Cost of Pet Cremation and Burial
While being buried with your pet may not be a new concept, it is nevertheless unusual and relevant to thousands of pet lovers worldwide. Joint owner/pet cremations is an option now offered by a memorial chapel in the heart of England. Situated in a pastoral and tranquil section of Burntwood, near the Chasewater Reservoir, an area has been set aside where the cremated remains of pets can be interred in their own dedicated burial plot, or alongside their owners.
Now You Can Be Buried Alongside Your Beloved Pet
Being buried alongside your pet is nothing new. It dates back centuries. In ancient Egypt, pharaohs were interred with their mummified cats, dogs, and monkeys. In Europe, the remains of Neolithic humans were found buried alongside their dogs. And, in England, Anglo-Saxons were buried with their worldly possessions and their horses.
However, over the centuries, pet burials became anathema in a new Christian era. Christians believed that only humans had souls and frowned upon a burial ritual that had survived for thousands of years. The more Christianity spread, the less tolerant the “pagan” practice of pets buried alongside their owners became.
Today, this practice is making a reappearance by reverting to the old era when joint pet and owner burials were not only accepted but were commonplace. It is common knowledge that the British are a nation of animal lovers, and, for that reason, we have set aside an internment area where the remains of cremated pets can be laid to rest, either alongside their owners or on their own.
What does it cost?
This is what is costs to be buried at the Chase and District Memorial Park in Burntwood:
1. People and pets £400 for the plot (up to four internments per plot)
2. Standard cremations £300 for the plot (up to four internments per plot)
Internment costs £250 each
Headstone permits £195 each
Cost recap
It costs £300 per plot for human cremated remains and £400 per plot for people and pets cremated remains so that when the time arrives, you can be laid to rest alongside your beloved pet.
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